Birthday Puja (Navgrah Pooja)


Our birthday may be an exceptionally critical day for us, as this day marks the start of our travel that we began as a life when we were born. It was this day when the ethereal course of action of planets and stars were in culmination arrangement with our karmic things from our past lives. It is said that otherworldly ceremonies performed on one’s birthday give the most extreme benefits to the person, as the capacity to get enormous favors is exceptionally tall in a person on his/her birthday. Therefore, on this day, we must interface with our directing soul and pay our regard to the planets in arrange to improve their positive impact on us and appease the negative effect that they may have in store for us in the future to come.



Our birthday may be an exceptionally critical day for us, as this day marks the start of our travel that we began as a life when we were born. It was this day when the ethereal course of action of planets and stars were in culmination arrangement with our karmic things from our past lives. It is said that otherworldly ceremonies performed on one’s birthday give the most extreme benefits to the person, as the capacity to get enormous favors is exceptionally tall in a person on his/her birthday. Therefore, on this day, we must interface with our directing soul and pay our regard to the planets in arrange to improve their positive impact on us and appease the negative effect that they may have in store for us in the future to come.

Birthday Puja Includes:

’Hawan’ (Holy Fire Ritual) on your behalf by profoundly learned Brahmin Pandits to bring forth a divine presence in your life. ’Navgraha Puja’ to please all planets to strengthen your individual horoscope and eventually make success and prosperity a living reality in your life.

The course of action of observing the Puja being performed beneath your title by means of a recording given to you by us. You can watch it at your convenience.

Blessings from Birthday Puja:

  • Rope in luck along with new opportunities that foster growth and success.
  • Removes all negative energies
  • Promotes financial gains and secures a business from regulatory hurdles.
  • Ensures sound health and protection from chronic diseases.
  • Win in legal battles and win over enemies.
  • Promotes beneficial travels.
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